The Perfect Home

Let's take a look at Miss Bridget's worm farm!

Read or listen to these steps to make a classroom worm farm and put the pictures in the right order

  1. Get two Containers: Find plastic or polystyrene containers.
  2. Make Holes: Poke small holes in the bottom of one container for drainage.
  3. Put it inside another container: Put a pipe in the bottom container to collect the worm wee. 
  4. Add Bedding: Put moist soil or shredded newspaper in the container.
  5. Mix in some food scraps: Give the worms vegetable scraps and fruit peels (no meat or dairy). Place some worms on the bedding.
  6. Gently put the worms in their new home: Place some worms on the bedding.
  7. Cover the Worms: Put a damp newspaper or cloth on top of the worms.
  8. Place in Shade: Keep the container in a cool, shady spot.
  9. Check Often: Check the worms every few days, add more food as needed, and empty the drip tray when it fills up.

Try to work out what worms do and don't like for their homes!